

Gujarat Export Improvement

Gujarat has large number of verity in many field. Gujarat large number of product to other state and country.
Gujarat export main product related to agriculture, textile, ceramic, paramedical and many fine product.
Gujarat can contribute much more than this. Mainly Gujarat focus in export raw production.

Product Values

Export of value added products benefit the economy a lot.
From farmer to government value can get up to 4 to 10 times. We have low record in converting commodities into valuable product.
We have not able cerate the value chain market like other country.
Like Gujarat is largest exporter in groundnut. When come to processed roasted snack or oil. We not near as others.
We have to create a proper channel for product and items so that every person can benefits thoughts its.


Gujarat is agriculture state due to unwanted climate change, improper cultivation, Lack of knowledge etc., it effect on production rate.
Government should establish research and help people in improving productivity.
Research is required for improved productivity at farm as well as conversion of farm produce to value added products for export.
We take example of Thailand. Which is one of the top processed food countries in world. They constructed innovative park for food industries which help in cooking industries like ready to cook or ready to eat.

Gujarat should focus in innovation, development, and research and business development.

Production Rate

Gujarat export many product. Manly other sector not effective that much as other to agri sector.

Unpredictable Rain and Frequent Draught Situation

Gujarat faces major challenge of crop failure due to unpredictable rain.
Gujarat has to focus in water management & has to adapted modern irrigation technologies & protect cultivation.

Lack of Good Agriculture Practices

Gujarat as well as India’s products are facing challenges of fetching acceptance and good prices in domestic as well as international market due to lack of good agriculture practices. Over use of chemical fertilizers and residue contamination above acceptance level are major challenges of sector. There is need for vast extension services where trained rural people can move around in villages training farmers to adopt good agricultural practices for export markets.

Lack of Knowledge, Skills and Ability (KSA)

There are four agriculture institutes in Gujarat but still there is strong need of KSA development at farm level.
Farmer is still depend on traditional cultivation method.
Greenhouse cultivation of high value vegetables such as cucumber, bell pepper, tomato etc.

Small Land Holding of Farmers

Average land hold by Gujarat farmer is not more than 12 bigha.
This leads to viability issues when farmer thinks of technology adoption or farm mechanization. Concepts of Contract farming and Co-operative Farming are at emerging state in Gujarat.
These should be brought to Gujarat to improve productivity and reduce costs.

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